Frequently Asked Questions

Are your parts resin printed?

Most of my kits are a combination of Resin and FDM printed parts. The black boosters and gun parts on the Jetfire set are resin printed, the red parts are all FDM. Both materials have advantages. FDM is more durable in that it flexes and bends. Resin is higher fidelity, but is more britle and cracks easily.

Tracking hasn't updated for my order, has it been shipped?

No worries! This means I'm still working on your order here. Most of the time, I have parts shipping within 1-3 days. Sometimes when I get a large amount of orders, it takes me a little longer to fulfill them. Rest assured, I'll be working full-time to ship as many orders as fast as I can. Feel free to message me and ask about the status anytime here.

Can I purchase your STL files?

No. My files are proprietary and not currently available for sale.

Do you have any plans to make replacement parts for franchises like Voltron, Go Bots, or other 80s toys?

I could, but I feel it is important to stick to something. I don't want to make parts for any other toys. My specialty is G1 (1984-89).

Is there a way I can request parts for other characters that you don't currently sell?

Yes! Send me an email, or contact me here to let me know exactly which parts you need. I've built a spreadsheet of all the requests I receive, and depending on which toys get the most requests will determine which parts I work on next. As long as the requests fall within the original G1 toys.

Do you have plans to make more parts for other G1 toys?

Yes, definitely! My current plan is to work my way from 1984-1989, hitting each figure in each series that needs accessories.

Do you offer more colors for the display stands?

Yes, only upon request. If there's another color you would like to have instead of purple, send me a message here after placing the order. There's no wait time, I can have it custom printed within the same day!

Do you do direct sales with paypal?

No. I only conduct transations through my webstie, Ebay, & Etsy stores.

What do you like to use for modeling software?

I was trained to use the industry standard Autodesk Maya software. It's pretty expensive, it'll run you around $225/month or $1785/year. It's what I currently use to model everything. There's definitely cheaper alternatives out there. My 2nd recommendation is Blender. It's all quad-modeling, and edge loops.

If I pay for commission, can you make more custom parts for other 1/55 Robotech Valkyries?

While I appreciate the request, and I've actually gotten a ton of folks asking for different armor sets. For now, my business is centered on G1 Transformers accessories, and it's important to I stick to what I know best 👍 Transformers has been a huge journey and learning experience for me, and my products will only continue to improve with time. One day, when my company can run itself, I'd be open to teaching & building seperate studios that each specialize in their own field (i.e. Robotech, Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, GI JOE etc.)

My pipeline is pretty full of work. That leaves out commissions, no matter how much we're offered.